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The Dark Arts of Skill Abuse - A Shadow Chaser's smirk

Next to a priest (who can warp you, even on Novice Training Grounds), Shadow chasers are the next skill abusers of the game. While Shadow chasers' Dimension Wall won't be as annoying as Warp portal, they can still skill rape anybody with the following skills.

1. Shadow Formation - Yes it can transfer damage dealt to a Shadow Chaser to other players. But beyond everyone's knowledge (as of 11/7/2010 11:29pm, pRO valkyrie - PK server), it can be used to kill players, even on non-PK maps. Check the screencaps below.

2. Manhole - They can move you anywhere, as long as they are loaded with Paint items. Shadow Chasers can concentrate and push you to a PK map where they can pull up the masochist combo on you,

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Anonymous said...

Cool! maybe the GM will nerf the skill soon

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